keto crotch
Everything Keto

Is “Keto Crotch” Really A Thing?

Everybody wants to know if Keto Crotch is really a thing?  My opinion is that it’s not.  I am not sure how this came about.  It seems that because of the popularity and success that so many people are having on the Keto diet, many companies like Weight Watcher’s have seen a drop in enrollment. So many people like me have finally found a solution that takes off weight and keeps it off.  I’ve been on Keto for almost a year and I have never had any symptoms around my VJJ.

Where Did the Term Keto Crotch Come From Anyway?

Apparently there was an entry on a Reddit message board that made reference to someone who experienced vaginal odor when in a state of ketosis.  Then others chimed in stating that they were experiencing the same thing and then just like that the whole “Keto Crotch” thing was born.

Some people believe that this story was amplified by Weight Watcher’s who supposedly began to spread the story all over the internet with ads.  I am not sure how true this is.  But I know one thing for sure and it is that I’ve never personally experienced anything like this. While it’s normal for everyone to experience changes in their PH levels when they start a diet.  When fasting, one gets a funny taste in their mouth.  And I have experienced this when I am doing hard core Keto.  But I have never experienced anything out of the ordinary going on in my private area.

Try Using PH Strips When Dieting

Because the Keto diet is a high fat diet, your body may be more alkaline than it is acidic.  Therefore when doing the Keto protocol you may want to also use PH strips to test your PH balance.  To add more acid to your diet try drinking Apple Cider Vinegar.  This could help if you’re experiencing anything PH imbalance, which is the probable cause for what these ladies could be experiencing.  Whenever there is an imbalance it can cause bacteria to develop and these women who are complaining are most likely experiencing bacterial vaginosis.

Keto Crotch Is a Myth That Must Be Stopped

I resent people out here spreading such a horrible rumor to try to tarnish the diet. If it’s true that the rumors are being spread by the corporate giants of Weight Watchers and the like then shame on them.  As someone who has tried WW several times I can attest to the fact that the diet left me hungry and irritable.  Yes they say you can eat what you want, but the quantity is so small in portion control that it’s very hard to maintain.  But I am not here to bash their program because it does have great aspects to it.  Like keeping a food journal and getting the support of others.

At the end of the day one must find the program that works for them.  There is no one size fits all program when it comes down to weight loss.  At that’s the bottom line.

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